Problem in DrawText with simplified chinese characters

Dear all
i am a beginner of PTB-3 from China.When i try those codes:
      Screen('DrawText',wptr,'hi 你好',0,0,[0,0,255]);
the chinese character displayed with garbled characters but the english characters OK.
I run the MATLAB R2009b with win7 professional. The problem still unsolved when try R2010b.The MATLAB can display chinese character correctly in command window,current folder, workspace, *.M fiel and other programs.
some on told me try these code :
        Screen('DrawText',wptr,double('hi 你好'),0,0,[0,0,255]);
then the chinese character displayed correctly.But there were other problems to modify all the codes with DOUBLE.
Even, i try those methods:
    make the fallball folder under those path:
                   c:\Program Files\MATLAB\sys\java\jre\win32\jre\lib\fonts
      and copy the font,simsun.ttc, which can display chinese character correctly,to there.
     Screen('Preference', 'TextEncodingLocale','GBK')
     Screen('Preference', 'DefaultFontName','simsun')
but garbled characters still.
So,is there good way to display chinese characters normally in my computer.
Thanks so much.