Hi All,
I am trying to run PTB-3 on a Lenovo Thinkpad T60p. It has a ATI
Mobility FireGL V5200 graphic chip, with 512MB video memory. However,
after opening a screen, the attached error messages appear. I
downloaded the latest driver from Lenovo but the problem persists. Has
anyone ever come across the same problem?
PTB-WARNING: Could not bind wglChoosePixelFormat - Extension. Some
features will be unavailable, e.g., Anti-Aliasing and high precision
PTB-WARNING: Your graphics driver doesn't allow me to control syncing
wrt. vertical retrace!
PTB-WARNING: Please update your display graphics driver as soon as
possible to fix this.
PTB-WARNING: Until then, you can manually enable syncing to VBL
somewhere in the display settings
PTB-WARNING: tab of your machine.
PTB-INFO: This is the OpenGL-Psychtoolbox version 3.0.8. Type
'PsychtoolboxVersion' for more detailed version information.
PTB-INFO: Psychtoolbox is licensed to you under terms of the GNU
General Public License (GPL). See file 'License.txt' in the
PTB-INFO: Psychtoolbox root folder for a copy of the GPL license.
OpenGL-Extensions are: GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_bgra
PTB-WARNING: Couldn't even collect one single valid flip interval
sample! Sanity range checks failed!
PTB-WARNING: Couldn't collect valid flip interval samples! Fatal VBL
sync failure!
PTB-WARNING: Couldn't even collect one single valid flip interval
sample! Sanity range checks failed!
PTB-WARNING: Couldn't collect valid flip interval samples! Fatal VBL
sync failure!
PTB-WARNING: Couldn't even collect one single valid flip interval
sample! Sanity range checks failed!
PTB-WARNING: Couldn't collect valid flip interval samples! Fatal VBL
sync failure!
PTB-INFO: OpenGL-Renderer is Microsoft Corporation :: GDI Generic :: 1.1.0
PTB-WARNING: Seems that Microsofts OpenGL software renderer is active!
This will likely cause miserable
PTB-WARNING: performance and severe timing and synchronization
problems. A reason could be that you run at
PTB-WARNING: a too high display resolution, or the system is running
out of ressources for some other reason.
PTB-WARNING: Another reason could be that you disabled hardware
acceleration in the display settings panel: Make sure that
PTB-WARNING: in Display settings panel -> Settings -> Advanced ->
Troubleshoot -> The hardware acceleration slider is
PTB-WARNING: set to 'Full' (rightmost position).
PTB-Info: VBL startline = 1200 , VBL Endline = 1201
PTB-Info: Measured monitor refresh interval from beamposition =
16.666843 ms [59.999365 Hz].
PTB-Info: Will use beamposition query for accurate Flip time stamping.
PTB-Info: Measured monitor refresh interval from VBLsync = 0.000000 ms
[1.#INF00 Hz]. (0 valid samples taken, stddev=1000000000.000000 ms.)
PTB-Info: Reported monitor refresh interval from operating system =
16.666667 ms [60.000000 Hz].
PTB-Info: Small deviations between reported values are normal and no
reason to worry.
PTB-WARNING: Your graphics hardware & driver doesn't support OpenGL
rectangle textures.
PTB-WARNING: This won't affect the correctness or visual accuracy of
image drawing, but it can significantly
PTB-WARNING: degrade performance/speed and increase memory consumption
of images by up to a factor of 4!
PTB-WARNING: If you use a lot of image stimuli (DrawTexture, Offscreen
windows, Stereo display, Quicktime movies)
PTB-WARNING: and you are unhappy with the performance, then please
upgrade your graphics driver and possibly
PTB-WARNING: your gfx hardware if you need higher performance...
WARNING: Couldn't compute a reliable estimate of monitor refresh
interval! Trouble with VBL syncing?!?
WARNING: Mismatch between measured monitor refresh interval and
interval reported by operating system.
This indicates massive problems with VBL sync.
WARNING: Measured monitor refresh interval indicates a display refresh
of less than 25 Hz or more than 250 Hz?!?
This indicates massive problems with VBL sync.
One or more internal checks (see Warnings above) indicate that
of Psychtoolbox to the vertical retrace (VBL) is not working on your
This will seriously impair proper stimulus presentation and stimulus
presentation timing!
Please read 'help SyncTrouble' for information about how to solve or
work-around the problem.
You can force Psychtoolbox to continue, despite the severe problems,
by adding the command
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests',1); at the top of your script, if
you really know what you are doing.
Error in ==> test at 15
[window mainrect]=Screen('OpenWindow', whichScreen, [0 0 0], [0 0
100 100]);
I am trying to run PTB-3 on a Lenovo Thinkpad T60p. It has a ATI
Mobility FireGL V5200 graphic chip, with 512MB video memory. However,
after opening a screen, the attached error messages appear. I
downloaded the latest driver from Lenovo but the problem persists. Has
anyone ever come across the same problem?
PTB-WARNING: Could not bind wglChoosePixelFormat - Extension. Some
features will be unavailable, e.g., Anti-Aliasing and high precision
PTB-WARNING: Your graphics driver doesn't allow me to control syncing
wrt. vertical retrace!
PTB-WARNING: Please update your display graphics driver as soon as
possible to fix this.
PTB-WARNING: Until then, you can manually enable syncing to VBL
somewhere in the display settings
PTB-WARNING: tab of your machine.
PTB-INFO: This is the OpenGL-Psychtoolbox version 3.0.8. Type
'PsychtoolboxVersion' for more detailed version information.
PTB-INFO: Psychtoolbox is licensed to you under terms of the GNU
General Public License (GPL). See file 'License.txt' in the
PTB-INFO: Psychtoolbox root folder for a copy of the GPL license.
OpenGL-Extensions are: GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_bgra
PTB-WARNING: Couldn't even collect one single valid flip interval
sample! Sanity range checks failed!
PTB-WARNING: Couldn't collect valid flip interval samples! Fatal VBL
sync failure!
PTB-WARNING: Couldn't even collect one single valid flip interval
sample! Sanity range checks failed!
PTB-WARNING: Couldn't collect valid flip interval samples! Fatal VBL
sync failure!
PTB-WARNING: Couldn't even collect one single valid flip interval
sample! Sanity range checks failed!
PTB-WARNING: Couldn't collect valid flip interval samples! Fatal VBL
sync failure!
PTB-INFO: OpenGL-Renderer is Microsoft Corporation :: GDI Generic :: 1.1.0
PTB-WARNING: Seems that Microsofts OpenGL software renderer is active!
This will likely cause miserable
PTB-WARNING: performance and severe timing and synchronization
problems. A reason could be that you run at
PTB-WARNING: a too high display resolution, or the system is running
out of ressources for some other reason.
PTB-WARNING: Another reason could be that you disabled hardware
acceleration in the display settings panel: Make sure that
PTB-WARNING: in Display settings panel -> Settings -> Advanced ->
Troubleshoot -> The hardware acceleration slider is
PTB-WARNING: set to 'Full' (rightmost position).
PTB-Info: VBL startline = 1200 , VBL Endline = 1201
PTB-Info: Measured monitor refresh interval from beamposition =
16.666843 ms [59.999365 Hz].
PTB-Info: Will use beamposition query for accurate Flip time stamping.
PTB-Info: Measured monitor refresh interval from VBLsync = 0.000000 ms
[1.#INF00 Hz]. (0 valid samples taken, stddev=1000000000.000000 ms.)
PTB-Info: Reported monitor refresh interval from operating system =
16.666667 ms [60.000000 Hz].
PTB-Info: Small deviations between reported values are normal and no
reason to worry.
PTB-WARNING: Your graphics hardware & driver doesn't support OpenGL
rectangle textures.
PTB-WARNING: This won't affect the correctness or visual accuracy of
image drawing, but it can significantly
PTB-WARNING: degrade performance/speed and increase memory consumption
of images by up to a factor of 4!
PTB-WARNING: If you use a lot of image stimuli (DrawTexture, Offscreen
windows, Stereo display, Quicktime movies)
PTB-WARNING: and you are unhappy with the performance, then please
upgrade your graphics driver and possibly
PTB-WARNING: your gfx hardware if you need higher performance...
WARNING: Couldn't compute a reliable estimate of monitor refresh
interval! Trouble with VBL syncing?!?
WARNING: Mismatch between measured monitor refresh interval and
interval reported by operating system.
This indicates massive problems with VBL sync.
WARNING: Measured monitor refresh interval indicates a display refresh
of less than 25 Hz or more than 250 Hz?!?
This indicates massive problems with VBL sync.
One or more internal checks (see Warnings above) indicate that
of Psychtoolbox to the vertical retrace (VBL) is not working on your
This will seriously impair proper stimulus presentation and stimulus
presentation timing!
Please read 'help SyncTrouble' for information about how to solve or
work-around the problem.
You can force Psychtoolbox to continue, despite the severe problems,
by adding the command
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests',1); at the top of your script, if
you really know what you are doing.
Error in ==> test at 15
[window mainrect]=Screen('OpenWindow', whichScreen, [0 0 0], [0 0
100 100]);