we bought several laptops with an AMD Rembrandt iGPU and an AMD dGPU Navi 33 [Radeon RX 7700S/7600/7600S/7600M XT/PRO W7600], we installed the last version of Matlab 2024b and Psychtoolbox version
We have the following errors when launching experiment with the running script even after disabling the notifications under Settings :
Synching flips with softer requirements…
PTB-INFO: This is Psychtoolbox-3 for GNU/Linux X11, under Matlab 64-Bit Intel (Version 3.0.19 - Build date: Sep 27 2024).
PTB-INFO: OS support status: Linux 6.8.0-50-lowlatency Supported.
PTB-INFO: Type ‘PsychtoolboxVersion’ for more detailed version information.
PTB-INFO: Most parts of the Psychtoolbox distribution are licensed to you under terms of the MIT License, with
PTB-INFO: some restrictions. See file ‘License.txt’ in the Psychtoolbox root folder for the exact licensing conditions.
PTB-INFO: For information about paid support, support memberships and other commercial services, please type
PTB-INFO: ‘PsychPaidSupportAndServices’.
PTB-INFO: Hybrid graphics setup with DRI PRIME muxless render offload detected.
PTB-WARNING: Flip 3 for window 10 didn’t use pageflipping for flip. Visual presentation timing and timestamps are likely unreliable!
PTB-WARNING: Something is misconfigured on your system, otherwise pageflipping would have been used by the graphics driver for reliable timing.
PTB-WARNING: However, if you see this message only sporadically, this might be caused by onscreen popup messages a la “You have new mail!” or
PTB-WARNING: “New updates are ready to install” etc. Being low on free system memory can cause this as well, especially on integrated graphics chips.
PTB-WARNING: Read the Linux specific section of ‘help SyncTrouble’ for some other common causes and fixes for this problem.
PTB-INFO: There are still 55 textures, offscreen windows or proxy windows open. Screen(‘CloseAll’) will auto-close them.
PTB-INFO: This may be fine for studies where you only use a few textures or windows, but a large number of open
PTB-INFO: textures or offscreen windows can be an indication that you forgot to dispose no longer needed items
PTB-INFO: via a proper call to Screen(‘Close’, [windowOrTextureIndex]); , e.g., at the end of each trial. These
PTB-INFO: stale objects linger around and can consume significant memory ressources, causing degraded performance,
PTB-INFO: timing trouble (if the system has to resort to disk paging) and ultimately out of memory conditions or
PTB-INFO: crashes. Please check your code. (Screen(‘Close’) is a quick way to release all textures and offscreen windows)
INFO: PTB’s Screen(‘Flip’, 10) command seems to have missed the requested stimulus presentation deadline
INFO: a total of 3 times out of a total of 12 flips during this session.
INFO: This number is fairly accurate (and indicative of real timing problems in your own code or your system)
INFO: if you provided requested stimulus onset times with the ‘when’ argument of Screen(‘Flip’, window [, when]);
INFO: If you called Screen(‘Flip’, window); without the ‘when’ argument, this count is more of a ‘‘mild’’ indicator
INFO: of timing behaviour than a hard reliable measurement. Large numbers may indicate problems and should at least
INFO: deserve your closer attention. Cfe. ‘help SyncTrouble’, the FAQ section at www.psychtoolbox.org and the
INFO: examples in the PDF presentation in PsychDocumentation/Psychtoolbox3-Slides.pdf for more info and timing tips.
Even after adding the configuration file below under /.Psychtoolbox/XorgConfs/ and running both scripts XorgConfCreator&XorgConfSelector, we still have the same errors.
Conf file :
Section “ServerLayout”
Identifier “Hydra-2XScreensOn2GPUs”
Screen 0 “Screen0” 0 0
Screen 1 “Screen1” RightOf “Screen0”
Section “Device”
Identifier “Card0”
Driver “amdgpu”
BusID “PCI:120@0:0:0”
Section “Device”
Identifier “Card1”
Driver “amdgpu”
BusID “PCI:3@0:0:0”
Section “Screen”
Identifier “Screen0”
Device “Card1”
Section “Screen”
Identifier “Screen1”
Device “Card1”
Please let us know if you have advices.
Thank you very much in advance.