I will try to be as detailed as possible. We are having difficulties with stimuli being presented on a dual monitor setup. Recently, at random times at the beginning of a task, the flip command seems to fail, producing 1 of 3 errors: a pure white screen, a pure black screen, or a visually distorted mix of a black screen and the desktop showing some icons and the wallpaper. We have used this particular code for years but the issue is only about 1.5 months old - however we recently (~6 months ago) had to upgrade our machines and MATLAB versions which could also be a factor. MATLAB/Psychtoolbox itself doesn't seem to produce an error in the command window nor does the program terminate. We have gone through this with our IT department but they have run out of ideas. Below is the software and hardware versions we are using. If you could provide any insight or ideas we would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you,
MacbookPro Retina Display, 13-inch, Mid-2014
MATLAB 2015a
Psychtoolbox 3.0.13