Screen Erros in PTB

Hello!  Can anyone help me?  I am having some trouble with the beginning stages of using PTB.  (See the attached screenshot).    I have checked for proper installation, the kerneldriver is installed as well, and I have been all over the internet and am not really getting a clear answer. 

Can anyone help me with this at all? 


XXXIn, <jerry_mize@...> wrote :

Hello!  Can anyone help me?  I am having some trouble with the beginning stages of using PTB.  (See the attached screenshot).    I have checked for proper installation, the kerneldriver is installed as well, and I have been all over the internet and am not really getting a clear answer. 

-> No attachmnent here, i think the forums attachment support is somewhat broken. Just paste it in clear text here. But your  reference to a kerneldriver suggests you use one of Apples trainwrecks as operating system, which is not recommended at all if you need trustworthy visual stimulation, so please check the forum for similar problems like yours - and likely the answer that there isn't any help on many configurations. Hint: Visual timing and integrity-wise NVidia graphics is essentially broken on all versions of macOS, AMD graphics is essentially broken on 10.13, and all modern AMD graphics is broken on 10.12 (cards from ~2010 still work nicely), Intel graphics is a matter of luck and also might be broken even if it doesn't trigger errors - use special measurement equipment to verify independently.


Can anyone help me with this at all?