Hi! I’m new to PTB in Windows. In Macs, stereomode=4 splits a single display into two halves for the L and R images. Is there a way to do so in Windows? It seems like stereomode=4 in Windows is equivalent to stereomode=10 in Macs, but stereomode=10 in Windows somehow presents only presents a monocular image instead of splitting the screen. On my machine, only the left image is presented (i.e.,SelectStereoDrawBuffer=0). Any ideas anyone? Thanks!
Stereomode 4 does exactly the same thing on Windows as on macOS, split the onscreen window in two halves? At least on a single-display setup. For dual-display stereo setups, you’d need to choose screenId 0 or a stereo-compatible configuration for a window to span the two displays. You need to provide more details. And you’d need to buy priority support if you’d need further timely responses from myself.
Thanks Mario, appreciate you responding. I’m trying to split a single display, works on macOS but not Windows 10. In Windows, stereomode=4 seem to only want dual displays. Stereomode=2 works fine in splitting top and bottom though, so do the anaglyph stereomodes. It’s fine, no need to reply. I could always manually program the split. Thanks again!
Just ran StereoDemo(4)
and ImagingStereoDemo(4)
on a single-display setup and a dual-display setup, and both work exactly as expected:
- Dual-Monitor: Left eye stim on left monitor, right eye on right monitor.
- Single-Monitor: Split view.
If i specify screen id as 1 or 2 i can get split-window on each of the two monitors in the dual monitor setup.
Everything is fine on Win-10, so whatever it is must be either user error, or some malfunction of your system. Maybe reboot? Anyway, end of free advice.
No worries, we got it to work. Your advice was very helpful, thanks!
Thank you’s are nice, financially contributing to PTB’s upkeep by buying a priority support license is better .
Have a nice day,
Haha oh yes, I’m considering a license soon.