subversion installation


I am trying to install PTB. When I try to install subversion I get the error "The installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vedor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package."

Any ideas?

Also at the PTB site it says to install svn 1.6.9. However the current version is 1.6.17


Oh, just read some notes in DownloadPsychoolbox:
stable has been renamed to unsupported, as its years old!So use beta, which isn't really beta at all, just the up-to-date version. Calling Psychtoolbox without the flavor specified should do the trick for you.

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 22:34, Diederick C. Niehorster <dcnieho@...> wrote:
Hi Joshua,
It seems you are trying to download a PTB version called stable, which doesn't exist. Did you select that by specifying the fourth input argument to DownloadPsychoolbox? If not, please try again with DownloadPsychoolbox([],[],[],'beta')--assuming all the others can be left to their default (and do let us know if you didn't ask for stable by hand, the installer shouldn't do that by itself!)
On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 21:47, Solomon, Joshua <J.A.Solomon@...> wrote:

good to know, thanks. any speculation regarding why I can't get it to
work? I mean, all I've really tried is DownloadPsychoolbox. this is the
error I get, fwiw:
Command "CHECKOUT" failed with error code 1:
svn: URL 'svn://' doesn't exist

Will retry now by use of alternative http protocol...
The following alternative CHECKOUT command asks the Subversion client to
download the Psychtoolbox:
/opt/subversion/bin/svn checkout

Sorry, the download command "CHECKOUT" failed with error code 1:
svn: URL ''
doesn't exist

The download failure might be due to temporary network or server problems.
You may want to try again in a
few minutes. It could also be that the subversion client was not
(properly) installed. On Microsoft
Windows you will need to exit and restart Matlab after installation of the
Subversion client. If that
does not help, you will need to reboot your machine before proceeding.
??? Error using ==> DownloadPsychtoolbox at 462
Download failed.

On 12/08/2011 14:33, "arthurdent33@..." <arthurdent33@...>

> I had no problems.
>I used the version of subversion that came with lion (1.6.16) rather than
>trying to install another version.
>--- In
><>, "Solomon, Joshua"

><J.A.Solomon@...> wrote:
>> also tried and failed to install ptb using lion. anyone succeed?
>> --
>> Joshua A. Solomon