I’m using Beetronics touch monitor for an experiment that I’m doing using Windows 10, on Matlab. My code is ideally supposed to detect a touch on the screen and a dot should appear where the screen was touched. But unfortunately it’s not detecting the touch. A touch is registered when the screen is double tapped or scrolled, not with a single touch. The screen works fine when not using the toolbox and I coded it on my laptop using the mouse clicks and it works fine there. Could someone please help me? I will post a snippet of my code here.
% Draw the background
Screen('FillRect', window, [255 255 255]);
Screen('Flip', window);
% Wait for touch screen
% Draw the dot
Screen('DrawDots', window, [xCenter + dotLocation(1) yCenter + dotLocation(2)], ...
10, [0 0 0], [], 2);
Screen('Flip', window);
% Wait for 2 seconds
Since it’s a training code. I do not need the code to save any details of touch, but just detect the touch and move on.
Thank you in advance!