Unable to detect the First touch using GetMouse or GetClicks ?


I'm using Psychtoolbox. I usually wait for to detect a touch input on the ''Screen(theWindow)'', it works usually fine when I use my touchpad but I have to double tap when I use the touchscreen, Could somebody propose a solution for this such that I can detect the touch in a single touch.

Thank you

I have the same problem as you. Did you manage to find a solution? Also, are you using windows?
Thank you!

While i can confirm it doesn’t work on a MS Surface Pro 6 under Windows 10 either, i don’t think there is a general solution for this. At least i couldn’t find any system setting to get this to behave differently on that touch screen. Maybe if you Google long enough you find some hack or 3rd party tool to do something about it, maybe not.

The proper solution is to install Linux and then use PTB’s actual touchscreen support on that OS to do touch input properly, cfe. MultiTouchDemo.m

I will try this, thank you!