Trying to Download Psychtoolbox on MATLAB

Just want to make sure am doing everything correctly. It's on MacOS High Sierra.

This is popping up after typing DownloadPsychtoolbox in the command window:


Requested flavor is: beta

Requested location for the Psychtoolbox folder is inside: /Applications

Will use the svn client which is located in this folder: /usr/bin/

Good. Your privileges suffice for the requested installation into folder /Applications.

I will now download the latest Psychtoolbox for OSX.

Requested flavor is: beta

Target folder for installation: /Applications

The following CHECKOUT command asks the Subversion client to 

download the Psychtoolbox:

/usr/bin/svn checkout "/Applications/Psychtoolbox"

Downloading. It's nearly 100 MB, which can take many minutes. 

Alas there may be no output to this window to indicate progress until the download is complete. 

Please be patient ...

If you see some message asking something like "accept certificate (p)ermanently, (t)emporarily? etc."

then please press the p key on your keyboard, possibly followed by pressing the ENTER key.

Undefined variable "matlab" or class "".

Error in dos (line 65)

[varargin{1:nargin}] ={:});

Error in DownloadPsychtoolbox (line 775)



Undefined function or variable 'rmiml.visibleInToolstrip'.


Undefined function or variable 'rmiml.visibleInToolstrip'.