I was trying to send out a 180 Hz sine wave from the DA Out 1 at 1800 sps using DaqAOutScan() function. The sine wave was generated in Matlab and showed correctly on the computer screen. The signal measured between pins #13 and #15 on the oscilloscope showed the correct amplitude between 0~5V. However, the signal looked like jumpy dots. Did it mean that the DAC in the USB1208FS did not contain a low pass filter?
Any experience with it would be greatly appreciated.
OS: Win 7
PTB: 3.0.13
Matlab: 2017b
Test code:
DaqIdx = DaqFind;
%% parameters for the sinewave
sineF0 = 180; % Hz
sampRate = 1800; % Hz - help DaqAOutScan on the DA sample rate
sineDur = 60; % seconds
vSine = sin(2pisineF0*[1:sineDur*sampRate]/sampRate);
vSine = (vSine+1)/2;
vSine = vSine’;
tTick = [1:length(vSine)]/sampRate;
figure, plot(tTick, vSine);
options.FirstChannel = 0;
options.lastChannel = 0;
options.f = sampRate;
options.trigger = 0;
options.getReports = 0;
options.print = 0;
params = DaqAOutScan(DaqIdx, vSine, options);