A free, cross-platform drag-and-drop GUI for Matlab/Octave Psychtoolbox is coming

Dear all,

We developed a free drag-and-drop graphic user interface for Matlab Psychtoolbox (PTB) during the past two years, which we dubbed PsyBuilder. Using this drag and drop interface (similar to E-prime), now it’s possible even for a newbie to build a full Matlab PTB script within 10 mins. We believe that PsyBuilder will be useful for both experts and novices because 1) it can drastically cut the programming time needed for almost any experiment; 2) it will dramatically flatten the learning curve for people without programming experience. Therefore, we believe that PsyBuilder will make the PTB platform extremely accessible and help to expand the user base.

We are so proud that our free cross-platform software Psybuilder is ready to use. The software can be downloaded from our brand new forum: https://www.psybuilder.com

Please see our just accepted paper in AMPPS for a detailed introduction and a brief tutorial about Psybuilder:

Lin, Z.C., Yang, Z., Feng, C.Z, Zhang, Y.*(2021), PsyBuilder: An open-source, cross-platform graphical experiment builder with built-in performance optimization for behavioral and neural sciences. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. Accepted and in press. Doi. 10.31234/osf.io/b43vx

Best wishes!

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Well this looks very exciting!