Command for displaying movies in Eyelink Dataviewer


Although this is more SR Research - related, some people on this forum
may have an answer to my problem.

Presently I am developing an Eyetracking experiment that uses
Quicktime movies as the stimulus. The experiment itself works
correctly using Showtime, however I am unsure as to how to make the
appropriate movie load in the background when I view an EDF file in SR
Research's dataviewer.

I know the command to put an image into the background is

eyelink('Message', '!V IMGLOAD <CENTER / FILL / etc> <MoviePath>');

This does not work, however, for .mpg movie files. After searching
through SR Research's Dataviewer documentation I was unable to find an
answer. I have signed up for their forums, but as of writing this
registration is not complete, and I have somewhat tight for time, thus
I came here. Any help would be greatly appreciated! For reference,
details of my operating environment are below:

Apple G4 running OS 9.2.2
Psychtoolbox 2.53, 12 August 2002.

Apologies in advance if the answer can be found in an obvious
location, such as one of the Eyelink Toolbox demo files!

- Craig