Error downloading psychtoolbox 3.0.11 in MatLab R2015b 32-bit Windows

For anyone wondering how to do it, I have attached what I did:

  1. Create path ‘C:\MyToolboxes\’ in file explorer
  2. Getting a hold of the correct Psychtoolbox file for R2015b 32-bit
    1. SetupPsychtoolbox is no longer supported in 32-bit Windows Matlab?
    2. Psychtoolbox 3.0.11 file:
    3. Extract the zipped Psychtoolbox-3.0.11 file into C:\MyToolboxes
    4. Change file name to ‘Psychtoolbox-3.0.11’
  3. Downloading Psychtoolbox for R2015b 32-bit
    1. DownloadPsychtoolbox(‘C:\MyToolboxes\Psychtoolbox-3.0.11’,’Psychtoolbox-3.0.11’)
  4. Restart Matlab after it finishes downloading
  5. type - C:\MyToolboxes\Psychtoolbox-3.0.11\Psychtoolbox\SetupPsychtoolbox.m
  6. SetupPsychtoolbox

  7. Type ‘no’ when asked to delete paths
  8. Shall I delete all those instances from MATLAB/OCTAVE path? Type ‘yes’
  9. “*** Matlab’s Static Java classpath definition file modified. You will have to restart Matlab to enable use of the new Java components. ***” Press RETURN or ENTER to confirm you read and understood the above message. Hit ‘ENTER’
  10. It will give you a message that says “Done with post-installation. Psychtoolbox is ready for use.”