How to get last two decimals of release versions

Is there a way to know the exact version of PTB3 that is installed? The PsychtoolboxVersion command excludes the final two decimals. Not critical, but I just want to make certain the same release is installed across machines here.

Output of >> PsychtoolboxVersion
ans = ‘3.0.19 - Flavor: Manual Install, 23-Apr-2024 11:58:32’

Platform: Windows 10


As per the help of that function you tried, use Screen(‘Version’) instead

While Screen(‘Version’) would serve the OP’s requirements, I still wonder if there is a way to infer the release number (forth number as provided on PTB’s Github Releases). For example, Screen(‘Version’).version==‘’, which is for release v3.0.17.9.

Yes, actually Screen(‘Version’) isn’t exactly what I need. I should have been more specific. I would like to know the release number that’s on Github, as you wrote.